What Interior Spaces Are Good for Polyurea Concrete Coating?

Sand, dog hair, leaves – the stuff that gets dragged into your house can really take a toll on your flooring.  What if we told you there is a flooring that is easy to clean and durable?  Polyurea concrete coatings are an excellent alternative flooring.  If you haven’t considered concrete coating for the interior of your home, it’s time to look into it, and this article is a great place to start.

Polyurea concrete coatings are a versatile flooring option that can be used in both the exterior and interior areas of your home.  Laundry rooms, basements, bathrooms, and kitchens can all benefit from polyurea coatings.  Their stain and impact resistance make them a great flooring option for even the busiest, most active, and accident-prone families!

You may associate concrete coatings with pool decks, warehouses, and such, but they are a great floor covering in a variety of settings.  Concrete coatings are often referred to as epoxy floors.  At Concrete Coatings Hawaii, our concrete coating is made of polyurea which is superior to epoxy in every way.  In this article, we will discuss various uses for concrete coatings inside your home.

Polyurea Coatings for Your Laundry Room

Laundry rooms come in all shapes and sizes.  You may have a closet-style laundry room.  You may be one of the fortunate ones with a big laundry room with a utility sink, a table for folding clothes, and a place to hang dry clothes.  Wherever you fall on the spectrum of laundry rooms, polyurea concrete coatings may be just what you’re looking for.  Laundry rooms can get pretty gross.  Spilled detergent is gooey and messy.  Sand flings everywhere when you pull your son’s board shorts out of the laundry bin.  The room designed for cleaning clothes needs to be cleaned too!  Polyurea concrete coatings are easy to clean and stain-resistant!

Polyurea Coatings for Your Basement

Basements aren’t very common on O’ahu, but you may have a house with an “underground” room if you live near a mountain or on a slope.  This space may be used as extra living space, a game room, a playroom, etc.  Our concrete coating is a great fit for this kind of space.  Want to get a pool table?  Go for it!  Even if your kids drop the heavy billiard balls, the flooring will remain intact!  It is durable and chip-resistant!  If it seems too good to be true, check out this video!  And if your basement or lower room has a bathroom or water heater, you don’t need to worry about a water leak damaging your floor.  Our concrete coatings can be used as pool decking, so you know they are water-safe!

Polyurea Coatings for Your Bathrooms

Our concrete coatings are great for bathrooms, especially if you have one that leads out to the yard or pool.  When your kids track in sand from the beach or water from the pool, you can rest easy knowing your flooring can handle it!  Our coating makes cleaning your floor a breeze.  You don’t need harsh chemicals or abrasive materials to clean them.  A microfiber towel or soft mop with warm soapy water is sufficient.  For sweeping, a soft-bristled broom will work great.

Polyurea Coatings for Your Kitchen

The kitchen can be a rough-and-tumble room with spills and dropped pots and pans.  If you have an open floor plan, you may want the same flooring for your kitchen and living areas.  Concrete coatings resemble beautiful terrazzo tile floors, so you may want to incorporate them in your open living space.  If not, a separate kitchen can easily have different flooring than the surrounding rooms.  Because it is stain-resistant and impact-resistant, it is perfect for your kitchen floor.

Polyurea Coatings for Your Mudroom

Mudrooms may be a screened-in area attached to the house or an actual room in the house, usually off the garage or right inside the front door.  Mudrooms are an ideal space for concrete coating.  Mudrooms are designed to shed wet, sandy, and muddy clothes and shoes.  Our durable, easy-to-clean flooring is perfect for the job! 

Why Polyurea Coating is Perfect for the Interior

Living on O’ahu, most homes have hard surface flooring because everyone knows carpet is not a good option with sand and red clay!  Tile is nice, but grout is difficult to keep clean.  When it is time to clean it, it is a time-consuming job. Fine sand settles in grout making a quick sweep or mop useless.  You have to pull out the vacuum with its attachments to suck the sand from the grout.  This gets tiresome.  With the solid surface of concrete coating, you don’t have to deal with grout anymore!  You will love the time you save cleaning your floors.


Polyurea concrete coatings are superior to epoxy coatings in durability and stain- and impact-resistance. They are perfect for your interior flooring needs in areas like laundry rooms, basements, bathrooms, kitchens, and mudrooms.  They are easy to clean with a soft-bristled broom or mop.  No more grout to clean!  If you are ready for polyurea coatings and live in Ewa Beach, Kaneohe, or the surrounding areas, then contact us at Concrete Coatings Hawaii today.  We know you will love the beauty, durability, and easy cleaning that comes with polyurea coatings!

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